He wasn’t even supposed to join this war. This means, according to the official rules, he didn't have to enlist in the army.
Four months before the war broke out, Na’aran donated a kidney to someone whose kidney was failing. Na’aran wasn't interested in knowing who the sick man was, he just wanted to do something good. He wanted to help, as much as he could, and if it meant having surgery and donating a body part to someone else so they’d be healthy – Na’aran was on board.
The war broke out just a few months after the transplant, so Na’aran wasn’t eligible to get called up. This didn’t deter him. He contacted the head of the transplant department to get special permission to return to active military service. He also went through difficult fitness tests to prove that he was fit for combat service. Na’aran passed the physical endurance test and rejoined his fellow soldiers. They were thrilled to see him. Na’aran was everyone's friend - a good man with a loving heart, willing to listen to others, and sensitive eyes that saw other people’s pain. When Na’aran headed to his unit, he brought his guitar with him. When he sang his special tunes, everyone felt a little bit safer. Something about him instilled confidence in others and helped them believe that everything would be okay.
Na’aran and his fellow soldiers sat and played the guitar, trained, waited, trained some more, and waited again. Finally, the commander asked: "Who wants to bring the tank to defend the position? We need a volunteer tank!" Na’aran and his tank crew immediately volunteered to go and defend the land. It was a very dark night, and the road wasn’t paved. During a sharp bend in the road, the tank overturned. Na’aran was seriously injured and was immediately evacuated to the hospital.
A week later, Na’aran passed away. During this week, people did good deeds, prayed and sang and were motivated to “do everything for Israel'', as Na’aran loved to do throughout his life. Even after his death, his family continued in his path, and decided to donate his organs. Four more people were given the opportunity to live, thanks to Na’aran.
According to the “official” rules, Na’aran shouldn’t have been called up this time. But Na’aran never followed the normal rules; he always did his very best to help the people of Israel.
